Increase Your Odds of Success in Gambling | RPSBET.IO | Gambling Improved

RPS Finance
4 min readApr 30, 2022

Ever wished to make ‘a quick buck’? Curious in why people, even those who can’t afford to gamble, still do it; desperation?

We believe that in a world filled with distractions, us humans tend not to leave much love for our own individual cognitive abilities when we find ourselves caught up in most problems. The saying, “Work smarter, not harder” is our secret superpower. That is, our ability to choose.

Many skills start under the category, ‘Cognition’.

The gambling that we know of as of now, lacks both control and cognition. So who’s the one making the ‘quick bucks’?

House-Free, Skill-based Gambling

Believe it or not, gaming has huge cognitive benefits. We’re now heading towards a Play2Earn generation. We would arguably say Poker, is a style of Play2Earn although still has its random factors (cards) hence condoned as gambling.

“I’ve heard of Play2Earn games before”—Sure! You can acquire/invest in NFTs flip them, purchase the game’s local currency and then get deep into the game. But what if we’re not all gamers? What if; we can maximise cognitive behaviour to efficiently build up our finances sub-consciously, without focusing on the finances. Like Kenny Rogers depicts in his song, ‘The Gambler’, “You never count your money, when sitting at the table—there’ll be plenty time for counting, when the dealing’s done.” The moral as a parable is that we are responsible for our own choices. Our lives are what we make of them. Frankly, we find this out later on in our lives.

RPS Finance focuses on improving ‘soft-skills’ that are uncommon in traditional educational societies.

“If traditional education was the causation for wealth; scientists, doctors, engineers…i.e. the subjects taught in school, would be the wealthiest.”—RPS Finance

More than ever now, real wealth is built from taking risks and learning from failure. Imagine the below diagram with the distant Points representing your life’s success (whatever success/purpose you decide for yourself). The fastest way to get from two points would be taking the cycloid curve.

Brachistochrone Problem

Like any sat-nav tells you, shortest route does not correlate to quickest route. You may want to use the faster roads.

Encouraging your mind (vs. Brainwashing) to gradually improve its outside-the-box-thinking and giving players a realistic representation of people’s cognitive behaviour at the risk of their capital, is our vision that we’d like to share at RPS Finance. Starting with our platform, RPSBET.IO (soon-to-be DAO).

*Skills RPSBET Claims You Can Improve On:

  • Cognitive — Free Thinking, Ego
  • Focus — Present Moment, Personalised
  • Memory (coming soon)
  • Timing — Speed, Timing (coming soon)
  • Communication — Negotiation (coming soon)
  • Comedy (coming soon)
  • Problem Solving — Psychological, Reading Players
  • Financial (coming soon)
  • Trust — Misdirection, Anonymity (coming soon)
  • Willpower—Discipline, Health & Fitness (coming soon)


  • RPSBET aims to improve a person’s unique set of skills through its games. These are, for now, soft-skills commonly found in gaming but simplified for any person to pick up on.
  • Skills are put to practical use (collateralised with a stake much like any Play2Earn games)


  • Encourage Player Innovative Thinking (Creation) Vs. Joining Competition (Capitalism)

Target Audience

  • People looking to improve their cognitive ability and their unique set of skills that reflects their reality vs. perceived reality
  • 25–39 Men & Women
  • Focus words: derogatory/negative words (e.g. #casino, #corrupt, #toxic, #control, #self-improvement etc.)


  1. Marketing (until funds can accumulate for BNB migration)
  2. Development (BNB migration)
  3. Metaverse; user-generated content, DAO & Treasury ($RPS Finance migration & NFTs)
  4. Better financial tools [Spoiler]

Player Instincts

  • Short-term Rewards (Gamblers’ Instinct)
  • Counter with cognitive rewards


  • Expected to lose at first, competition gets harder, the more players Join the platform


  • Monopoly causes higher skill barrier and higher stakes
  • Innovation in cognitive behaviour needed (think Apple; Samsung, HTC etc.)
  • Tnx Tax goes towards more users and investors, which increases dividends towards the players (after $RPS migration)


  • Improve user-generated-content to counter capitalism
  • Allow for Skill Trading to counter capitalism (players’ risk close to 0 as possible)
  • Renounce ownership —> Use $RPS (Finance) to optimise players’ risk


  • Push awareness for deteriorating consciousness and cognitive dissonance
  • Sync cognition with capital

Organisation Values

  • Decentralised—Ownership, P2P
  • Lean—Minimise waste (time & money), Gambling Mechanics, No provably-fair algorithms
  • Cognitive-first—Ethical, 0% Luck, Maximise Value & Opportunity

For Now

User-generation remains at our focus, with the games we’ve got; Rock Paper Scissors, Brain Game (fill in this form to submit your own Brain Game), Spleesh, Mystery Box, Quick Shoot. Fulfil community satisfaction, value and needs.

Those that don’t think for themselves tend to fall to what we emphasise, ‘Joining Competition’ vs. ‘Creating Competition’. Why? — Because experiences tend not be as good as the original. Something that is newly ‘booming’ — cannot be ‘topped’ by its subsequent competitors (see monopolistic competition curve). Although anomalies exist, the majority of competition stimulates forced output so it’s wise to counter with more creative thinking before an inevitable monopoly. The paradigm is that we’re telling you how to think for yourself, but we can confirm — this is not your sub-conscience. We’re just a cash-games platform that’s focusing on cognition. Okay, we are your sub-conscience. Besides, before you know it, we’ll be 100% decentralized and everything will be community-generated.

We don’t claim to make you rich from mastering your skills, but we do aim to offer a better opportunity for you than any other gambling experience that exists today.

“Don’t focus on winning or losing, focus on getting value out your journey through bettering cognition.” — RPS Finance Team

Watch our Beta’s Gameplay

Gameplay Preview Beta 2.0

Feedback is more than encouraged.

*Want to suggest more skills & games? Follow and DM us on our official Twitter: @rpsbet

Preview some examples of our thought-provoking #BrainGame questions and test your cognitive questioning with us!

To become one of our first users on RPSBET.IO, fill in this form.



RPS Finance

Gamified income for everyone not just gamers. ⚔️💫 @RPSBET | $RPS #GameStaking